Thursday, March 7, 2013

MAGIC OUTLAWS on Travel Channel

I ran across this in .. Look for it on the Travel Channel March 10th.

"Ben Seidman understands the value of putting something out into the world. He knows that, when done right, one's art and skills can be something special and can make a difference."

"It's that drive that has led him to his latest project, "Magic Outlaws," which will air at 8 p.m. on Sunday, March 10, on the Travel Channel."

"The concept is simple, but it is very cool," Seidman, a graduate of Shorewood High School, said about the show. "We go to a town for one to two days, see the sights, do some magic and then do the show."

Editors note.. these two, 30 minute shows are considered a 'pilot'.. and viewership will likely determine whether future shows are ordered. Spread the word..

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